a photo.
Baptist Church, 735 Park Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902,
U.S.A,April 28, 2013, Kaw Sara Sumhka Seng Nan gaw Karai Kasang a man
shawa a man e HPUNG UP aya hkam la
lu sai lam chye lu ai. Sara Seng Nan gaw 2013-2015 Kachin American
Association (KAA) a amu madu lit hkam wa mung rai nga ai.
SENG NAN SUMHKA has met all the requirements for ordination and the First Baptist family rejoices in setting him apart for his calling by God to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Grace to You
Dr. J. Lindsay Sadler, Jr. Senior Pastor
SENG NAN SUMHKA has met all the requirements for ordination and the First Baptist family rejoices in setting him apart for his calling by God to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Grace to You
Dr. J. Lindsay Sadler, Jr. Senior Pastor